I Can Eat White


Children explore a variety of white fruits and vegetables using their 5 senses, then create a collage using white and green painted paper. 

  • Prepare a variety of white fruits and vegetables to observe and taste (e.g. cauliflower, garlic, jicama, onion, mushrooms, ginger, coconut, white corn, parsnips, potato, white nectarine, white peaches, white sweet potato, white asparagus).

  • Plates

  • Paper or chalkboard to record child’s observations and comments.

  • Cardstock paper 

  • The green painted paper from lesson one. 


  • Gather materials. 

  • Wash and prepare the food beforehand. 


  • Facilitate the exploration of white foods. 

  • Guide children in using their white to describe the characteristics of green foods. 

  • Assist children in cutting out white fruits and vegetables. 

  • Lead a discussion about the health benefits of eating white fruits and vegetables. 

  • Provide guidance and supervision during the preparation of a snack or meal using white foods. 

Objectives for Teachers

  • Children identify different types of white fruits and vegetables. 

  • Children explore white foods using their senses of touch, smell, and taste. 

  • Children describe the texture, flavor, and aroma of each white food. 

  • Children participate in cutting out white fruits and vegetables and glue them onto paper. 

  • Children learn about the health benefits of eating white fruits and vegetables. 

Objectives for Children

Collect and Connect

Practice saying the "A Rainbow Is..." poem you created together.

A Rainbow Is…

A rainbow is as red as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is red)

A rainbow is as orange as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is orange)

A rainbow is as yellow as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is yellow)

A rainbow is as green as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is green)

A rainbow is as blue as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is blue)

A rainbow is as indigo as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is indigo)

A rainbow is as violet as (choose a fruit or vegetable that is violet)

Activity Flow

  1. Begin by displaying the prepared fruits and vegetables and ask them to name the different types of white they see. 

  2. Invite the children to explore the white foods by touching, smelling, and tasting them. Encourage the children to use their senses to describe the texture, flavor, and aroma of each food. Write down the words they use to describe each fruit and vegetable they try. 

  3. Ask your child to share what foods were their favorite and why, as well as their least favorites and why. 

  4. Next, cut out blue and purple fruits and vegetables from the white painted paper created in lesson one, and glue them onto a piece of cardstock paper. If your child isn't able to cut yet, you can do the cutting, and they can assist in gluing the shapes onto the paper.  

  5. While you are cutting and gluing, discuss the health benefits of eating white fruits and vegetables. 

  • Help our tummy feel good! White fruits and vegetables like the flesh of apples, pears, and potatoes have a lot of fiber in them, which helps our body digest food properly.

  • Keeps our body healthy! Some white fruits and vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms, and onions have special things inside called antioxidants. These help keep our body healthy by fighting off bad things that can make us sick. They also contain important vitamins and minerals that keep our body healthy and strong.

  • Helps us fight off sickness! Some white fruits and Vegetables like garlic and ginger can help our body fight off sickness.

6. Write down the words they used to describe the fruit or vegetable next to it or on the back of the paper. 

Extension activity: Prepare a snack using white fruits or vegetables with your child. Here is a link with recipes and ideas