Meet Kira
Welcome to my website! My name is Kira Davis, and I am a passionate early childhood educator with over 10 years of experience working with and teaching young children. I began teaching preschool as a newly graduated 18-year-old and continued to teach while I studied at university. I graduated with my Bachelors in Elementary Education in 2017 and spent one year teaching in a public school. I quickly realized that I preferred teaching in a home preschool setting where I was able to choose my classroom size, curriculum, and feel like I was being compensated for my work and time as an educator. So when the opportunity arose for us to finally become homeowners, finding a home with the space to make this dream into a reality was at the top of our must have list.
We moved into our home the summer of 2019, with only a few months to get the preschool ready. At this point in my life, I had just given birth to our second child, and early childhood development had become a passion of mine as I was trying to navigate raising my own children. I searched to find a curriculum that aligned with what I was learning, and realized there was a need for high-quality, research-based early childhood curriculum that was both engaging and developmentally appropriate.
Over the years, I have spent countless hours researching and testing different approaches to early childhood education. I continued my education at the Neufeld Institute participating in the courses, ‘Making Sense of Preschoolers’, and ‘Home Education.’ Each course is rooted in Gordon Neufeld's attachment-based developmental approach. I have also spent the last few years deepening my understanding of Finnish Education and pedagogy through a program developed in collaboration with Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki and the HEI Schools pedagogical team. I have studied and learned about a variety of educational philosophies and approaches, including, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, and Unschooling. I was inspired by each of these philosophies in different ways and have pulled ideas from each one of them into my curriculum.
My approach to early childhood education is based on the latest research in child development and learning, and it emphasizes building relationships, creating a safe and supportive environment, fostering curiosity and wonder, learning hands-on through play and daily life experiences, and providing opportunities for creativity and expression. I believe that every child is unique and has something special to offer, and I strived to create a curriculum where children feel valued and supported as they learn and grow.
Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or educator, I hope that you will find my website and curriculum to be a valuable resource for your work with young children. Thank you for taking the time to visit, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.