Happy Birthday Baby Animals


Children explore baby animals' needs and the significance of springtime births, then celebrate animal births through baking a birthday cake.  


  • Additional books about baby animals can be found at home or the library.

  • Baby animal figurines to use as cake toppers and for open-ended play.

  • Paper to make party hats.


  • Facilitate a discussion about animals observed on the field trip in the previous lesson.

  • Provide opportunities for students to make connections between seasonal changes, and animal behaviors.

  • Guide students through the hands-on activity of baking, emphasizing safety procedures and encouraging creativity.

  • Create a supportive where students feel comfortable sharing their observations, thoughts, and ideas about baby animals and the changing seasons. 

Objectives for Teachers

Objectives for Children

  • Identify and name animals observed during the field trip or through videos, practicing observation and recall skills.

  • Explore the concept of seasons by imagining being a baby animal and discussing the benefits of being born in spring.

  • Recognize and discuss the essential needs of baby animals for survival, promoting understanding of animal care.

  • Engage in a hands-on activity by baking to celebrate the birth of baby animals and the arrival of spring. 

Collect and Connect

Practice saying the poem ‘The Lamb’ together with the actions you came up with.  

The Lamb

I have a coat,  

A lovely coat, 

As white as milk,  

As soft as silk, 

And as warm as a quilt. 

I am, 

A happy little lamb.


-I. Tupaj

Activity Flow

  1. Begin this lesson by reflecting on the field trip where you observed baby animals. If you were not able to find a local farm or zoo, use technology to find videos of baby animals to share with your child. Here are some questions you might ask: 

  • What did we see on our field trip?

  • Can you name some animals we saw?

  • What animals live on a farm?

  • What animals live at a zoo or in the wild?

  • What animals live in a forest?

  • What do you remember from the story we read? 

2. Now, let's imagine being a baby animal! Ask your child what season they would want to be born in: Autumn, winter, spring, or summer? Allow them to share, and then tell them that many animals are born during the springtime. Encourage them to ponder why they think this is. Then ask them to share their thoughts.

3. Reflect on the story, “Born in the Wild.” If you have a hard copy of the book, do a picture walk through to refresh your child's memory about what baby animals need to survive. Review them with your child (animals needs vary based on the animal: 

  • Food

  • Protection

  • Shelter

  • The ability to move

  • Family

  • Care and grooming

  • Play

  • Learn skills for survival 

4. Ask your child how spring would be helpful in providing some of the needs for baby animals. Share that as the weather warms, it brings vegetation, insects, and small animals as a food source. The new vegetation can also provide shelter and hiding places for baby animals, protecting them from predators. Warm weather also aids in helping them stay alive. Winter is often too cold for baby animals, and they would have a harder time surviving if born in the cold weather.

5. After discussing why animals are born in the spring, introduce the activity for today! We're going to celebrate the birth of baby animals and the start of spring by making a cake together. Just like people celebrate birthdays, we're going to have a baby animal birthday party! It's a special way to enjoy family time and celebrate the changing seasons.

6. Work together to make a cake or cupcakes with your child.

7. As you wait for your cake to bake, consider providing your child with stories about baby animals. Flip through the pages to admire the illustrations and read a few of them together. This would also be a good time to create little party hats for animal figurines or to sketch and color a few animals to use as cake toppers if you’d like.

8. Once your cake is done baking, allow it to cool before frosting and decorating! Enjoy celebrating spring and all the new life it brings.